Just Quotes

“Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.”-Unknown

“Change is inevitable, growth is intentional.”-Glenda Cloud

“Your vision becomes clear when you look inside your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”-Carl Jung

“If you understand this generation, you will understand the future.”-Tapscott, 2009

“Bentangan layar yang kita atur, dan bukan arah angin yang menentukan kemana arah kita. ”-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

“The most proactive thing we can do is ‘to be happy’ ”-Stephen R. Convey

“The thing that bound us together at apple was the ability to make things that were going to change the world.”-Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

“When you are around people who share a collective passion around a common purpose, there is no telling what you can do.”-Howard Schultz

“Dorongan luhur manusia bergerak ke arah kesempurnaan dapat dilanggar, tetapi tidk dapat dipadamkan.”-Nicolaus Driyarkara (1913-1967)

“Ada dua jalan di hutan, dan aku. Aku akan memilih jalan yang jarang dilalui orang. Itulah yang membuat perbedaan.”- Robert Frost

“Age quod agis! – Lakukan apa yang mesti kamu lakukan.”

“Pada hati yang tertambat sesama ilmu pasti takkan membisu.”

#Diambil dari Modul PPKM 1 2014

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